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My Top 5 Favourite Herbal Teas for Self-Care & Managing Chronic Stress

Writer's picture: Emma LisaEmma Lisa

Today I shared a few quick wellness tips on managing that mama stress on my Instagram, and am continuing the share here on the blog. Whether you are a stay-at-home mum or a working mother, most of us are completely frazzled and exhausted. I know I sure am after chasing down four teenagers and my hyperactive 9 year old. This is where using the natural benefits of herbal teas to take moment and step back is so helpful. Learn to let go of the stress and practice self-care with teas...let me share with you how its so effective!

My Top 5 Favourite Herbal Teas for Self-Care & Managing Chronic Stress, Peppermint & Licorice by Higher Living Australia
Herbal Teas for Self-Care & Managing Chronic Stress, Peppermint & Licorice by Higher Living Australia

The use of tea is common practice in my clinic as a self-soothing tool. I prescribe it as part of a self-care routine as much as I do for the wellness benefits and nutrients. Herbal teas are such an overlooked bounty of goodness and here I am going to share my top favourites and why you need these blends in your life right now.

Herbal Teas & Tisanes

Herbal teas, also called tisanes, are simply put a blend of medicinal herbs, spices, fruits and other botanicals. The leaf, stem, petals and flower heads are harvested then dried, and have been used as natural remedies in countless ways for hundreds of years. Being botanically based, herbal teas are all natural and don’t contain caffeine which is why they tend to be most commonly used for their calming properties. Tisanes are also naturally free of sugar and calories making them the perfect wellness tonic for those hard days.

Chamomile Tea

This earthy-tasting tea is made from the dried flowers of the German or the common chamomile plant. Both varieties are traditionally used to make herbal infusions for medicine, but the tea also has a lengthy history as a sleep tonic. This is due to a compound found in the buds called apigenin, which is believed to have sedative effects.

USES: try a brewed up 1-2 hours before you go to bed when you feel under pressure and may lay awake worrying. The sedative effects can help calm the monkey-mind and overthinking. You can consume the tea on its own or as a bedtime blend such as this one, Sweet Dreams.

Cinnamon Bark Tea

Cinnamon contains manganese, which helps your body metabolise proteins and carbs. I often recommend adding the ground herb or drinking cinnamon tea for my clients working on weight loss, but the tea also has a calming effect. Cinnamon works well to improve insulin sensitivity and can help to stabilise your blood sugar levels, thus decreasing food cravings, sudden fatigue, and anxiety. The tea is definitely a dieter's friend but its also a fabulous tea to enjoy to help destress.

USES: try an organic cinnamon stick and simmer for 10 minutes, then drink. Alternatively you can also reap the same benefits from a quality cinnamon tea blend like this one.

Lavender Flower

Lavender Moon Milk Recipe by Brewing Happiness
Lavender Moon Milk Recipe by Brewing Happiness

Lavender is another herbal tea that has been shown to relieve stress and promote relaxation, making it a soothing addition to your stress management kit. I love using in moon milk, an ancient Ayurdeic tonic and a natural sleeping aid.

USES: drink as a tea or try as moon milk. The recipe I use couldn't be more easy, just warm a cuppa of your choice of milk (I use oat milk for this in a bug mug), add a teaspoon of Lavender Latte powder and drizzle of organic, raw honey. Stir well and sit back with the goodness. If you are lucky enough to have a garden with fresh lavender growing (and its organic), tear a few sprigs off and drop the flowers in the milk while it simmers. This'll infuse your drink with fragrance and more flavour.

Licorice Root Tea

Licorice root has many medicinal uses and is well known as a flavour enhancer in confectionary. To support stress management, the ground root is often used in naturopathic therapies to support the adrenals. Since licorice tea contains adaptogens—plant compounds that help balance the production of hormones—consuming the root or tisane can stimulate adrenal glands to boost energy. The root also helps to breakdown the overproduction of the stress hormone (cortisol) which is triggered by hormonal imbalances or chronic stress. By helping to reduce cortisol levels when under pressure, licorice tea can help you better handle stressful situations and feel more resilient.

USES: to make the tea at home, boil 1 cup of water and pour over one licorice root. Allow licorice root to steep for 5 minutes. Strain and serve. Alternatively, try an organic tea blend liek this one from Higher Living Herbs. Its one of my favourites and has such a lovely subtle, slightly sweet flavour.

Peppermint Tea

Mint is traditional kitchen garden herb plant that has been used dating back to the Ancient Egyptians and has both a culinary and medicinal past in many cultures. It has historically been used to treat gut and intestinal issues, ease nausea and has properties that naturally calm the bowel. However, there equal research to indicate that the aroma alone can reduce feelings of irritability, anxiety, and fatigue from stress. Peppermint is a tea I also use a lot in my clinic to help emotional eaters push through food cravings and binges. A warm cuppa of this tea can work wonders not just on calming the tummy, but it is also highly effective in diminishing stress eating.

USES: to make you can use the dried leaves harvest from your own garden (if organic) or buy a blend of either loose leaf or bagged tea. If you know you are stress eater, then try a warm cup instead of reachingfor food to comfort or escape the stress. Your body will thank you!

Valerian Root Tea

Valerian root is commonly used as an herbal remedy for insomnia and other sleep disorders. It is believed to also help relieve anxiety-related sleeplessness. So when you find yourself going through a bout of sleep deprivation from the kids or stress, this is a lovely tea to use.

USES: try a warm cup of organic valerian root tea 1 hour before bed to help relief stress and induce sleepiness.

Ok so you read this far, now I'd love for you to pick a tea from the above list and go make it. Sit with it in the sunshine or a quiet dimly lit corner of your home and just breathe. Savour the warmth (and nutrition) as you gift yourself a little peace and quiet. For more ideas and wellness tips, go here on the blog, or browse my collection of wholesome recipes, self-care and wellness pins on my Pinterest.

Healthy + happiness,

Emma Lisa xx

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Oct 26, 2021

Hey Emma thank you so much for this I have been travelling and had such trouble sleeping and I’m going to try some of those teas! Jenn xx

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Oct 26, 2021
Replying to

Certain teas like chamomile or lavender or well known sleep remedies. You may also want to look at the moon milk, I wrote an article on this blog about this about Ayurvedic remedy…


Oct 18, 2021

Hey Emma, I've heard Valerian is good for anxiety and sleep...what are your thoughts? Does it really work or is a placebo effect? I am always wary of herbal stuff ...

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Oct 26, 2021
Replying to

Yes it is a well-established calming herb and tonic. Definitely worth trying to keep things natural. Everybody’s body responds differently, and to different degrees. So if you’re looking for a natural remedy, I would highly recommend giving it a go and see how you body reacts.

Health + happiness


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Emma Lisa, Nutritionist

PSSST… My mission? To teach women and busy mums how to take back control of their plate with confidence! I’m passionate about sharing clean eating recipes and the easy ways to eat clean and live a balanced lifestyle—so you GLOW from the inside out!


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