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Healthy, Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding (Sugar-free)

This health, raw chocolate chia pudding recipe is packed with wholesome ingredients and is a delicious, sugar-free way to satisfy your sweet cravings without the any added sugar. Quick and easy to make, the recipe is suitable for diabetics and those watching their sugar intake, as well as vegetarians, vegans, and for coeliac diets. Get you whisks ready? Let's make it together...

Healthy, Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding (Sugar-free) Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow | Photo: @irataskova
Healthy, Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding (Sugar-free) Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow | Photo: @irataskova

Healthy, Sugar-free Chia Pudding Pots

Chia pudding is a simple and delicious breakfast, dessert or sugar-free snack pudding that boasts both great taste and nutrition. It is easily made with chia seeds, a tiny powerhouse of a seed that is jam-packed with essential fibre, plant protein, and healthy fats, making it a highly nutritious ingredient. To make chia pudding, the tiny seeds are soaked in liquid such as milk, plantbased milk, or even water. During the soaking, the chia seeds quickly absorb the liquid, resulting in a thick, pudding-like consistency that is both satisfying and nutritious.

What makes chia pudding truly special is how easy it to both, flavour and customise with endless wholefood and sugar-free ingredients. You can easily tailor it to your dietary preferences or tastes by sweetening it with honey, maple syrup, or natural, sugar-free sweeteners like stevia. For an extra burst of flavour, you can easily add fresh fruit, berries, nuts, and spices to enhance the overall taste and recipe. It only takes a few minutes to make and there are honestly endless variations and recipes you can create from it. Not only does chia pudding provide you with a satisfying meal, but also fuels your body with essential nutrients to keep you energized throughout the day.


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Health Benefits Of Chia Pudding

Beyond specific diets, chia pudding offers an excellent serving of wholefood nutrients that benefit almost everyone. The combination of dietary fibre, lean plant protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals makes chia seeds and the pudding a nourishing and healthy addition to your diet.

High-fibre Dessert or Breakfast

Chia seeds are excellent sources of essential dietary fibre. Fibre helps you feel full and satiated after eating, so adding chia pudding to your menu is a great way to manage weight and your appetite. Chia seeds also support better digestion, improve your gut health, and maintain good bowel health.

Rich In Plantbased Protein

Chia seeds are a rich source of plant protein, making them suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets. Despite their small size, these densely nutritious seeds help support tissue growth and repair, as well as help maintain and build lean muscle. Chia seeds are naturally filling due to their high fibre and protein content, and can help you maintain morning energy levels.

Contains Healthy Fat

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are an essential nutrient for your heart health, brain function, and inflammation reduction. These healthy fats also create that sense of fullness and can help manage your blood sugar levels, especially if you are insulin resistant.

Suitable For All Dietary Needs

Chia pudding is a great option for many diets. For example, the chia seeds themselves are naturally vegan and vegetarian, and the base liquid can be easily adapted to any dietary preference, using dairy milk, plantbased milk, or even water. The seeds are also naturally gluten-free, making them a safe and delicious choice for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. And while chia pudding can be sweetened, the seeds contain no sugar, making them suitable for those managing blood sugar levels. The high fibre content in chia seeds will promote satiety and can be especially helpful for those managing weight or following calorie-restricted diets.

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Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe

Healthy, Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding (Sugar-free) Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow
Healthy, Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding (Sugar-free) Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow | Photo: @irataskova

This super trendy pudding is an excellent sugar-free breakfast or dessert. It is quick and easy to make, jam-packed with wholesome nutrients, and bursting with flavour possibilities. Chia pudding is a versatile and convenient way to fuel your mornings or treat yourself to a guiltless chocolate dessert.

Raw Chocolate Chia Pudding Recipe


  • 250ml coconut milk, unsweetened, organic

  • 3 tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder, organic

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract, pure

  • 1-2 tsp stevia granules (according to your taste)

  • 1/2 tsp Dutch cinnamon, ground

  • OPTIONAL: a handful of fresh blueberries


In a bowl, whisk all the ingredients together for 2-3 minutes. Keep continually whisking to prevent the chia seeds from clumping together. You'll notice the seeds begin to form a gel-like substance as they soak up the liquid milk. Once this starts to happen, you can store in sealed jars in the fridge to set overnight. Serve directly from the jar or pour into a dessert dish and garnish with fresh berries and a few nuts.

Recipe Variations

This recipe is so easy to make and can be made with a number of delicious, wholefood flavourings, and served with a variety of tasty toppings, for example:

  • vanilla favoured chia pot with a pinch of ginger and 1/2 a mango, cut into chunks to serve on top

  • try raw cacao chia pudding with a drizzle of runny nut butter and chocolate sauce on top

  • make vanilla chia pudding with a scoop of vanilla protein powder for a high protein version

  • add pitted cherries and a few dark chocolate shavings to the top for a delicious gourmet dessert

  • add a teaspoon of superfood powder such as acai berry, butterfly pea, turmeric, or spirulina

There are literally a dozen or more ways to make and serve chia pudding, from basic recipes to fully decadent flavours. Try out a few recipes to see which you like best, and don't be shy to experiment with your own recipe creations.

Nutritionist's Note

If you have never tried chia seeds or the pudding before, I recommend that you start small and ease into the recipe. For some, chia seeds can cause bloating if consumed in large amounts. Always keep super hydrated when consuming high-fibre foods like this recipe. Another word of caution, chia seeds need to be pre-soaked in order to consume; always pre-soak the seeds, never eat them dry (can be a choaking hazard in larger quantities).

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Emma Lisa, Nutritionist & Women's Practitioner

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist at Eat Nourish Glow

Emma Lisa is a Nutritionist & Women's Health Practitioner with over 12+ years experience in wholefood nutrition, meal planning and health coaching. She is a published cookbook author, passionate food recipe creator and lifestyle blogger, and an advocate for women's health and anti-diet culture. When she's not in clinic, Emma is mum to five kids, in her test kitchen and a wellness digital creator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
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Healthy + happiness,

Emma Lisa xx

IICT Member, International Institute for Complimentary Therapists

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Jul 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Where had this recipe been all my life!!!! Its go yummy and delicious, thank you Emma Lisa! My new fave!!!


Jun 20
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I know it’s silly but I’ve never thought of putting chocolate flavour with Chia pudding., I have always use just vanilla. But it taste so good, thank you so much for the inspiration and this recipe. I think I just found a new favourite!!

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Jul 01
Replying to

It makes it turn out so delicious 😋


Hello, I'm Emma Lisa

PSSST, my mission? To support as many women and mothers as I can to take back control of their health! I am lit up teaching simple steps to a well-balanced diet and Life that you can absolutely say you love!


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