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Guiltless, Sugar-free Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe

Ditch the store-bought treats and whip up this incredibly easy and delicious sugar-free chocolate recipe using raw cacao and coconut oil. Not only is it quick and simple to make, but it's packed with health benefits that will make you feel good about indulging. So, come on, grab some kale and let's get cooking!

Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe  |  Eat Nourish Glow
Healthy, Sugar-free Chocolate Dipping Sauce Recipe | Eat Nourish Glow

We've all faced the challenge - sugar cravings can be persistent and difficult to overcome. It feels like sugar is in just about everything we eat these days, and to a large degree, it is! However, there are many ways to start reducing the amount you consume each day and work towards eliminating it from your diet. Refined sugar really has no place in a healthy diet, and can lead to unpleasant health problems if consume in too large amounts, such as weight gain, insulin resistance and blood sugar spikes, and heightened inflammation. Therefore, choosing sugar-free alternatives can still allow you to indulge your sweet tooth but without the negative consequences.

How To Make Sugar-free Chocolate

So, if you are looking to eat more sugar-free, then this homemade chocolate dipping sauce recipe is going to delight you. It's made with wholefood ingredients that are nutritious and delicious when combined together. In fact, this Nutritionist-approved recipe has many health benefits while allowing your to indulge in a divinely chocolatey treat!

Sweetness Without The Crash 

My sugar-free chocolate dipping sauce recipe uses natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit, to provide a nutritious sweetness without raising blood sugar levels or causing the energy crashes associated with refined sugar. It's the perfect sugar-free dipping sauce option for diabetic like myself, those with insulin resistance or watching their weight.

Superfood Raw Cacao

Raw cacao isn't just delicious, it's a nutritional powerhouse! It's made from the cocoa bean, and harvests the healthiest part of the bean. Raw cacao is loaded with antioxidants, magnesium, and mood-boosting compounds, making it a beneficial ingredient in baking, smoothies, or chia puddings.

The Benefits For Women

Raw cacao is a rich source of iron, which can be especially beneficial for women during menstruation, perimenopause, and menopause.  The natural magnesium in cacao can help reduce mood swings and PMS symptoms, relax your nervous system and has a subtle, calming effect.

Easy & Versatile

The beauty of this sugar-free dipping sauce recipe is its simplicity.  With just a few wholesome ingredients and minimal prep time, you can have delicious, healthy chocolate ready in no time. Plus, making it at home allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring you're getting the most nutrition per serving with less sugar

Now that you can see why I love using raw cacao with all its health benefits, scroll on down for my easy-to-follow sugar-free recipe. I promise you , you're going to love this guilt-free chocolate and all the tasty ways you can use in your desserts and baking!


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Ditch The Sugar & Still Eat Dessert...

Don't believe me? Then let me prove it to you, click the button to get instant access to how to quit sugar still enjoying the sweet stuff, it's easier than you might think. Get instant access to the Quit Sugar & Still Enjoy Dessert Guide, and let's kickstart your sugar-free journey together today!

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Sugar-free Chocolate Sauce Recipe

Healthy Chocolate Sauce Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow
Healthy Chocolate Sauce Recipe by Eat Nourish Glow

Indulge guilt-free with my healthy chocolate dipping sauce! Packed with superfood ingredients and naturally sweetened, all you need are a few simple staples to whip up this nutritious and delicious treat. This sugar-free dipping sauce recipe is so versatile you can use it as a drizzle sauce, hard top coating on ice cream hard or chia pots, a chocolate base for covered berries and nuts, and just about anywhere recipes call for a delicious chocolate sauce.  

Chocolate Dipping Sauce


  • 1 cup coconut oil, organic

  • 3 tbsp raw cacao powder

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp cinnamon, ground

  • 4-6 drop stevia liquid (adjust to taste)

  • 1 pinch of rock salt


To make, first add the oil to a bowl and melt the coconut oil in the microwave. Once melted, add the remaining ingredients and stir well to combine. As long as the sauce mixture is warm, the coconut oil will remain runny. Taste test and adjust the sweetness to your preferences using stevia. To use the sauce, simply reheat and pour over your favourite dessert recipes.

Batch Cook & Meal Prep

If you double or triple the recipe, it can easily be batch cooked and prepared to always have a delicious choc sauce on hand. Be sure to store unused sauce in a tightly, sealed plastic tub, and keep in the fridge or freezer. To thaw from the freezer, leave in the fridge overnight, and then portion what you need to a microwave-safe dish. Melt for 30 seconds to liquify for a chocolatey drizzle, or hot choc sauce on ice cream and desserts. Use as a chocolate coating for other desserts such as covering bliss balls, or homemade protein chocolate bars. Just remember, at room temperature, the coconut oil will start to soften and may melt. For this reason, the sauce is best stored in the fridge or freezer until you need it.

Nutritionist Note

Making healthy chocolate at home allows you to choose high-quality ingredients and avoid unwanted additives or hidden sugars often found in commercially produced chocolate. While this sugar-free dipping sauce recipe is healthier than store-bought chocolate, it's still important to practice mindful consumption. Chocolate, even the healthy versions, contain calories and fat. Enjoy a reasonable serving to satisfy your sweet tooth without going overboard.

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One Last Things, Before You Go...

Enjoy the idea of going sugar-free but with a Nutritionist's guidance? Browse for more nutrition and sugar-free recipes on the All Recipe Blog or come join my 'Sugar Free Life!' Program. I regularly run this one-on-one in clinic to make the transition easier for clients. But for the first time, I am offering it to the greater public to help you break free from sugar. Anyone can join the 'Sugar Free Life!' Program, and I invite you to seriously consider it.

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist & Women's Practitioner

Emma Lisa, Nutritionist at Eat Nourish Glow

Emma Lisa is a Nutritionist & Women's Health Practitioner with over 12+ years experience in wholefood nutrition, meal planning and health coaching. She is a published cookbook author, passionate food recipe creator and lifestyle blogger, and an advocate for women's health and anti-diet culture. When she's not in clinic, Emma is mum to five kids, in her test kitchen and a wellness digital creator. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
FOLLOW: Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest 

Healthy + happiness,

Emma Lisa xx

IICT Member, International Institute for Complimentary Therapists

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Jun 14
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love chocolate but never eat it as I am diabetic. I think you just made me the happiest woman alive with this recipe Emma, thank you, Love your cookbooks!

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Jul 01
Replying to

Oh I’d love to hear how this recipe goes for you then!!


Hello, I'm Emma Lisa

PSSST, my mission? To support as many women and mothers as I can to take back control of their health! I am lit up teaching simple steps to a well-balanced diet and Life that you can absolutely say you love!


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