Learn how to stop negative thought patterns and break through those limiting beliefs with Wellness and Yoga Instructor, Courtney Love. In this podcast, she'll share her secrets of how you can replace negative thinking patterns with affirmations that actually help.

Negative beliefs are the self-defeating thoughts you think about yourself. This is also known as negative self-talk, and includes the private thoughts you share with yourself and how you view the world around you. These views can adversely impact your self-esteem and your relationships with others if they are negative.
Not only that, but every cell within your body also responds to the nasty thoughts you think and speak. The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Over time this can build up to create friction, negative emotions and even illness.
"All the events you have experienced in your lifetime up to this moment have been created by your thoughts and beliefs you have held in the past. They were created by the thoughts and words you used yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 10, 20, 30, 40, or more years ago, depending on how old you are..." ~ Louise Hay
While nearly everyone experiences negative thoughts from time to time, negative thinking that is ongoing or common can seriously affects the way you think about yourself, the world , and can begin to interfere with your everyday function.
Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs
In this guest podcast, wellness guest Courtney, from Bend by Courtney, shares how you can break down the barriers of negative thinking . She'll teach you how to work through turn inwards and uncover those limiting belief's that interfere with us showing up as our true selves. Let's listen in...
Be sure to grab a pen and paper as you listen along. Courtney will guide you sharing her own story and the process she used to uncover and expose limiting beliefs in herself. She'll guide you through her step by step process to turn those negative beliefs into positive affirmations and help you reset your course.
Hope you enjoy this podcast and teaching, I know I sure did!
Health + happiness,
Emma xo
About Guest Blogger

Courtney Love is the Principle Yoga Instructor at Bend By Courtney. She's been featured on Sunrise and Women's Health. Browse her wellness products or find her on Instagram: @bendbycourtney or on Facebook click here.
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Great podcast, thank you gals!! Loved it!
Sally xx
I just sat down with my tea to listen to this real quick before I start the kids dinner, so good! Thanks Courtney and Emma!! - Leah xx