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3 Reasons Why Moon Milk Needs To Be Part Of Your Bedtime Routine

Writer's picture: Emma LisaEmma Lisa

Back when you were a young child, did your Mum ever make you warm milk to help you fall back asleep? Well, if she did, she was using the magic of Moon Milk to help induce sleep. Dairy milk naturally contains the amino acid tryptophan, which when consumed warm, can induce sleep and calm the nervous system. For centuries, milk has been used as a natural sleeping aid, and lately its trending as the cool new way to drift off the a deep, restful night's sleep.

3 Reasons Why Moon Milk Needs To Be Part Of Your Bedtime Routine
3 Reasons Why Moon Milk Needs To Be Part Of Your Bedtime Routine

Have you ever heard of it? Moon Milk is a warm beverage traditionally used in Ayurveda practices where cow's milk was simmered with a blend of honey, ashwagandha, nutmeg, and other Indian spices. It was used as a common remedy for insomnia, restlessness or as part of one's every day bedtime routine. The anti-inflammatory properties of the drink were thought to help to build the body’s defences against stress, burnout and exhaustion. In today's busy world, its a most welcome trend to dive into.

Due Moon Milk's recent surge in popularity, there are literally countless of variations of the drink to try and experiment with using dairy or plantabsed milks. I am completely dairy-free so I tend to use coconut or almond milk as I find they both have the best flavour and help lull me into slumber better than soy or cashew.

What Goes In Moon Milk?

3 Reasons Why Moon Milk Needs To Be Part Of Your Bedtime Routine
3 Reasons Why Moon Milk Needs To Be Part Of Your Bedtime Routine

A quick scroll on Instagram and you’ll be surprised to find over 13,573 posts with the hashtag #moonmilk displaying recipes of all blends and dreamy colour palettes. This shows you that there is no right or wrong way to make Moon Milk, but rather a basic recipe that can easily be experimented with to find what suits you best.

Typically, Moon Milk is made with dairy milk, either cow or goat, but with so many people going vegan, plant-based milks have been substituted and make just as nice a beverage. The milk is then simmered with the addition of warming spices such as black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and turmeric to provide healing properties that relax both the mind and body.

In some recipes, adaptogen herbs such as ashwagandha, astragalus and ginseng are also used and prove highly beneficial. A scoop of ghee or coconut oil, and drizzle of raw organic honey are often added.

And of course, who could forget the pièce de résistance ingredient, edible petals and flowers! These almost always make it into my recipes and are such a beautiful way to calm and wind down at the end of the day. I often use flowers and petals to add pizzazz to my herbal teas or salads but love adding a few sprinklings of petals over Moon Milk.

Edible dried or fresh flower petals add a dreamy touch to a warm cuppa. | Photo @bejoiseevents
Edible dried or fresh flower petals add a dreamy touch to a warm cuppa. | Photo @bejoiseevents

Moon Milk Is The Ultimate In Self-Care

Sleep is vital to our well-being especially as women. The more we can do to ensure a night of deep, rejuvenating rest, the better. Adding Moon Milk to your bedtime routine is a loving way to give yourself the best beauty sleep.

By now, you may be itching to make your own Moon Milk, so here is a round-up of simply gorgeous recipes to help you unwind after a long day and slip into a dreamy slumber. Tell me which one is your favourite pick to try in the comments.

#1 - Lavender Moon Milk

When I stumbled across this little deliciousness I veered off and came up with my own recipe. A while back, I had a packet of Macro's Lavender Latte on the bench for those sticky arvos when my five kids are doing my head in, and thought I'd try it in my Moon Milk the other night. It works a treat on stress, so why not for sleep, and I wasn't disappointed either. I did have the most mazing slumber that night and have used it many other nights since.

Lavender Magical Moon Milk by Magic Moon Milk
Lavender Magical Moon Milk by Magic Moon Milk

The recipe I use couldn't be more easy, just warm a cuppa of your choice of milk (I use coconut for this in a bug mug), a teaspoon of Lavender Latte powder and drizzle of organic, raw honey. Stir well and sit back with the goodness. If you are lucky enough to have a garden with fresh lavender growing (and its organic), tear a few sprigs off and drop the flowers in the milk while it simmers. This'll infuse your drink with fragrance and more flavour.

Rose Cardamom Almond Moon Milk by My Tiny Laguna Kitchen
Rose Cardamom Almond Moon Milk by My Tiny Laguna Kitchen

As I stated above there is no right or wrong way to make traditional Ayurvedic Moon Milk, so tuck into these 3 delicious recipes by Cheryl of 40 Aprons fame. Seriously, these are not only beautiful fragranced and flavoured but just as wonderful look at while you relax feet up with your fluffy slippers and in your PJs.

Magical Moon Milk 3 Ways with Cheryl Malik of 40 Aprons
Magical Moon Milk 3 Ways with Cheryl Malik of 40 Aprons

Enjoy hints of cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, lavender and tart cherry in these recipes and mix it up each night with a new flavour. My favourite by far from this trio is the Lavender Milk made a little extra special with the addition of ashwaghanda and astralagus.

Goodnight Moon Milk Recipe with Blue Majik and Reishi by The Chic Life
Goodnight Moon Milk Recipe with Blue Majik and Reishi by The Chic Life

#5 - Rosehip Flower Infused Moon Milk

This moon milk recipe is based on vitamin-C rich rosehip flowers and raspberry leaf to give it a little something unique (and beautifully tasty). Rosehip is a popular European tea beverage, and I have to say trying it blended into a moon milk blend is a stroke of culinary genius.

Rosehip Flower Infused Moon Milk by Healthy Holistic View
Rosehip Flower Infused Moon Milk by Healthy Holistic View

The the lesser known part of the rose is the round, seed-filled bulbs known as "rose hips", which are found underneath rose petals. Inside the each pod-like hip are many small, edible seeds, which are super rich in nutrients and disease-fighting properties. If you scout health food stores you can find the dried hips, but I often use rosehip tea like this one for this recipe.

Rose Moon Milk: A Dreamy Sleep Tonic Recipe by Meg N Matcha
Rose Moon Milk: A Dreamy Sleep Tonic Recipe by Meg N Matcha

This moon milk is a personal favourite of mine, and such a beautifully nutritious recipe made with oxygenating beetroot, calming rose water, the de stress adaptogen, ashwagandha, and tart cherry to promote sleep. A natural powerhouse of calming properties will make this a fast favourite.

Lavender Moon Milk For Sleep by Sweet Rustic Bakes
Lavender Moon Milk For Sleep by Sweet Rustic Bakes

Lavender Moon Milk Recipe by Brewing Happiness
Lavender Moon Milk Recipe by Brewing Happiness

For centuries, Lavender has been recommended as a natural sleep remedy for those suffering from sleeplessness, chronic insomnia and anxiety-related sleep disorders. I love using it to help de stress at the end of the day and reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Either way, this recipe is a lovely self-care treat before bed.

#10- Sweet Dreams Blue Moon Milk

Sweet Dreams Blue Moon Milk by Love & Olive Oil
Sweet Dreams Blue Moon Milk by Love & Olive Oil

Golden Milk Turmeric Bedtime Latte by Choosing Chia
Golden Milk Turmeric Bedtime Latte by Choosing Chia

In sharing these natural sleep remedies, I hope you've found a few you'll add to your nighttime routine. Slowing things down and unwinding with a warm cuppa is also a lovely way to practice a little self-care at the same time. Check out my Pinterest boards where you'll find a heap more: click here

Healthy + happiness,



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Jan 03, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Emma Lisa never tried this before and made some last night. Really quite lovely. Thank you for the recipes. Will endeavour to try the other ones.

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Jan 17, 2024
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Thank you for your feedback, we're glad you enjoyed the recipe!

Health & happiness

Emma Lisa


Jun 20, 2021

Hi Emma, I have never head of this until just, so going to try it! I saw you post about it on your Instagram.. thanks Kimmy xo

Emma Lisa
Emma Lisa
Aug 20, 2021
Replying to

It’s such a wonderful Ayurvedic remedy… you’ll have the best sleeps ! Enjoy, Kimmy! Hope you’re well xx

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Emma Lisa, Nutritionist

PSSST… My mission? To teach women and busy mums how to take back control of their plate with confidence! I’m passionate about sharing clean eating recipes and the easy ways to eat clean and live a balanced lifestyle—so you GLOW from the inside out!


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